Thursday, August 7, 2008

7 Truths about Network Marketing

The Seven Truths
by Michael S. Clouse

A wise man once defined success as a refined study of the obvious. How true. Most of what we need to know, say, and do to achieve mastery in Network Marketing could be easily taught—and understood—by a 12 year-old.

Why then are we making this business so difficult?

Let's agree to start teaching The Seven Truths of Network Marketing to those who actually want to create their own destiny, and leave the rest of the world alone. After all, we're involved in a great industry, with wonderful people, offering unprecedented opportunity. And we should be proud to speak the truth...

1) Network Marketing is a business.

Networking is a unique form of enterprise, and you've got to understand the game you're playing. Therefore, mentally consume every page of your distributor manual, online or the day it arrives. Listen to your audio training programs again, and again, and again. Like a song on the radio, you master the words by hearing the music one more time.

2) Freedom by the numbers.

Understand the numbers, and your compensation plan. Start by involving three or five people—whatever number of legs and leaders your plan dictates—and go to work. By your fifth year, the commissions paid on your invested efforts could well equal a mid six-figure annual income. After that, the sky's the limit.

3) Attend every live event.

The weekly presentation is part of the process. You need to be in attendance every week—to see the presentation again. Remember the music? You need the association, and the environment to showcase your company for your prospects. True, not everyone attending every meeting earns $10,000 a month. However, everyone earning $10,000 a month attends every meeting. Now that's a refined study of the obvious.

4) Work only one company.

Leaders understand this truth, because no man or woman can serve two masters.

5) Have a compelling written "Why?"

Success in Network Marketing is 20% how to, and 80% why to... The best part is, if your reasons are strong enough, you'll learn everything you need to know along your journey.

6) Invest in yourself first.

Some people are still trying to earn an exceptional wage, using an ordinary education. It can't be done. If you want to earn more, you've got to learn more. Therefore, read all the books, attend all the classes, and learn everything you possibly can.

7) Decide in writing you'll be here a year from now.

Long-term written goals possess the power to pull you right to the top of your company. Put your dreams for your future on paper, and begin building your life of magnificence.

The great Winston Churchill once said, "The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it and ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is." The Seven Truths.

All the best,

Michael S. Clouse

Thanks Michael for the valuable lesson.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Who's Lying

Tim Sales's thrid teaching video.




MLM : Do most people fail

Tim Sales's second teaching video.



Who's getting Rich

Tim Sales is one of the leading authority in Network Marketing industry.
His teachings on network marketing helps many people to succeed in this industry.
Here is one of his teaching videos:



Monday, June 16, 2008

Create your Dream Life

How to create your Dream Life!

Learn it from the Prosperity Guru,Randy Gage:

Why Network Marketing in this Economy

This is the ideal Time for Network Marketing.
Over 40,000 job loss claims came in May'08 in the U.S.
You will feel more secure if you have additional income as a backup.
Here are the so many benefits of Network Marketing by Erin Casey in june'08 Success Magazine:

1.A Proven System
2.Low start up cost
3.More flexibility and freedom
4.Earn what you are worth.
5.You can maximise your income by Residual income.
6.Get Recognition.
7.Become a better you.

Excellent Article.Here is the Link:

All the best to escape the Rat Race and i wish you success!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Wealth Secrets

I read "The Richest Man in Babylon" by George S. Clason a couple of weeks back.
More than 2 million copies sold.
It was written in 1920, still the ideas are so relevant and useful for personal finance and wealth creation even now.

This book is a classic and its babylonian parables are interesting to read.

These are the seven simple rules to aquire money:

1.Start thy purse to fattening.
2.Control thy expenditures.
3.Make thy gold multiply.
4.Gurad thy treasures from loss.
5.Make of thy dwelling a profitable investment.
6.Insure a future income.
7.Increase thy ability to earn.

Some more Golden Nuggets on Money:

Part of all you earn is yours to keep.
Men of action are favored by the Goddess of good luck.
Where the determination is, the way can be found.

Monday, June 9, 2008

MLM Newsletters

I signed up for some good MLM newsletters with great content.
Here is the list:

1.Randy Gage's NetworkMarketingTimes:

Great Prospecting and Skills development tips straight from the industry Legend.

2.Mike Dillard's Magentic Sponsoring:

This is the no.1 training newsletter in network marketing,with over 100,000 daily readers as per Mike.He is answering regarding MLM in depth alongwith articles.Awesome content.
Visit: to sign up the forum and newsletter.

3.John Milton Fogg's newsletter:

John is the author of the best seller "The Greatest Networker in the world".
His newsletter contains useful news, updates, links and other resources which'll help you build a better network marketing business. It's free.


4.Art Jonak's newsletter:

This newsletter goes to 100,000 people.It contains very useful content.The 7 part ecourse is full of tips for MLM professionals.


5.Melanie Milletics's newsletter:

Melanie's newsletter comes with very useful tips right from how to use web2.0 to social networking sites to generate traffic.


6.Richrad Brooke's newsletter:

Richard is one of the greatest networker.
His book 'Mach II: your hair is on fire' is a great book.
His newsletter is a very inspirational one with useful tips on MLM business.


7.Richard Knight's newsletter:

Richard's newsletter is full of useful Tips to MLM professional.


Hope it helps in your business.
Best wishes!

Can Magnetic Sponsoring help you get leads

Here is a great video from Rod Moore about magnetic sponsoring.
Rod moore is the creator of Goals Magic system and Total MLM System.
He is my upline mentor and i am very much impressed by Goals Magic and Totalmlm systems.


Building on a Budget

Even if you have a small budget and want to build your business,here is the building on a budget from Mike Dillard of Magnetic Sponsoring:

Monday, June 2, 2008

Randy Gage on AGEL

Randy Gage is an MLM Guru.He is an Industry expert.
He is the Top earner in his company.
He wrote several books on Prosperity and Abundance.
He is one of the Rags-to-Riches Guy.

Here in this Video,he explains why he joined AGEL:

Why Network Marketing is an Amazing Tool

Here is Robert Kiyosaki explains why Network Marketing is an Amazing Tool:

1.You can start with small capital.
2.It teaches you on how to sell.
3.It teaches you how to communicate.
4.It builds your Self-Confidence.

Now,Enjoy the Video:

How to Attract Qualified Prospects

Yes,it is possible.Qualified prospects will call you instead of you chasing them.
It is a system that is revolutionary.It is called "MAGNETIC SPONSORING".
It changes the way many MLM'ers conduct business over many years.
It is developed by Mike Dillard,an industry leader,Rags-to-riches guy.
Highly Recommended for anyone who wants to succeed in MLM or Network Marketing.

Why Network Marketing

This is why I recommend Network Marketing:

MLM or Network Marketing is a unique business model where you can reduce your overhead and need not to invest much on advertising and running a factory.

MLM is a place where with a small amount of capital,you can start your own business.
If the product is not good,that MLM company won't stand even for three months
just by word of mouth sale.

MLM is a business in which there are 14 million distributors involved(approx) worldwide and generating around 80 billion dollars(approx).

If you are in MLM,you will learn to do the following skills:

1.It helps you grow yourself personally and Financially.
2.You can help others to get financial freedom.
3.You can earn Residual Income.
4.You can leverage Time and Effort of others.
5.How to write professional emails
6.How to write your own Adv copy
7.How to get rid of shyness and come out of your shell
8.How to talk to a stranger
9.How to write your own ebook
10.How to write articles in your niche area
11.How to do presentation
12.How to tackle rejection
13.How to do prospecting and close sales
14.How to run a business

People like Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump are recommending Network marketing.
Shoot me an email,i will send you the report by Robert and Donald on Network Marketing.

Please go through the books like "Rich dad and poor dad"
and "The Business School for People Who Like Helping People" by robert kiyosaki.

For Residual income,visit: :

For Free Randy Gage Audio:

For Self Development,visit: